The vase figured on Plate XIII. is an Athenian cup in the possession of a member of the Hellenic Society, Mr. C. W. Mitchell, who acquired it in Athens. It is of the heavy, somewhat squat form, with thick handles and in-set lip, such as Brygos, for example, specially affected, and measures ·194 m. in diameter, ·096 m. in height. The design, occupying the centre of the interior only, is in the red colour of the clay, enclosed within a thin line, against the brilliant black glaze: unfortunately the parts of the surface which were not protected by the glaze have slightly suffered from the effects of acid or ignorant cleaning, so that the sketch-marks and the finer inner-markings have almost entirely disappeared: these latter were probably not extensively employed, but faint traces still remain at the lower part of the abdomen, and on the cheek, where the whiskers (
, cf. Xen. Symp. iv. 23) are indicated by brushmarks in thinned black. The outline of the hair against the black background is indicated by a wavy engraved line; and where it shows against the neck and face, by a row of minute dots fringing the sharply defined edge of the black paint. The wreath of vine, the ties of the flute and mouthpiece case, and inscription (
) are in purple.