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Reviewer Hub

Guidelines for peer reviewers

All BJPsych journals have general guidelines when constructing a review. Please consider the following.

Review guidelines:

  • Please number your comments consecutively.
  • Please do not include a recommendation for publication in your comments to authors.
  • Review supplemental files by navigating from the 'Proofs' tab to the 'Files' tab.
  • Please check authors have followed the registered protocol for RCTs and systematic reviews, noting unexplained changes.
  • Please note that one-line reviews do not help the editor to reach informed decisions.
  • If you find the manuscript is difficult to review in detail because of major flaws or poor writing, please offer brief comments to enable us to respond to the authors quickly.

BJPsych has key points to consider when writing a review:

  • Is the manuscript accessible to practitioners and researchers, written in clear, concise English for an international readership?
  • Does the manuscript address a clear, important research question?
  • Is a clear finding identified, which is original and a significant advance on existing knowledge?
  • Does the manuscript provide new insights and opportunities for treatment and prevention in clinical practice and/or impact on policy?
  • Is the methodology sound and is the discussion and interpretation appropriate for the data?
  • Are there elements of the manuscript that could be omitted or added, such as tables or figures or specific text?

Peer Reviewer Recognition

RCPsych Publishing

We are always working on how we can better support and appreciate our reviewers. During the Annual RCPsych Publishing Awards, chosen reviewers are awarded the 'Reviewer Recognition Award' award from the respective Editors-in-Chief. Take a look at the 2020 Award Winners here.


BJPsych Journals are partnered with Publons. Peer reviewing is an essential part of scholarly academic research. Publons gives reviewers the opportunity to be widely recognised for their contributions to peer review. View the CUP guide to Publons for more information.

Thank You Listings

We publish a list of our peer reviewers on our website and in the print journals with a thank you to their commitment and support to the journal. Take a look at the BJPsych 2020 Reviewers here.

Useful external resources for peer reviewers

There are a number of resources available for peer reviewers online for free. Below we have highlighted a list of useful resources our peer reviewers might be interested in.