The influence of temperature and relative humidity on the activity of acifluorfen, fomesafen, lactofen, and acifluorfen plus bentazon on prickly sida, pitted and entireleaf morningglory, and common cocklebur was evaluated in a growth chamber. Reduced control of all species was observed at 50% relative humidity as compared to 85% relative humidity when temperatures were higher (32/55 C day/night). Similar response to relative humidity was observed at the lower temperature (25/15 C) when treatments were applied 14 days after emergence (DAE). Changes in temperature at the same relative humidity did not alter herbicidal activity. Delaying application timing from 7 to 14 DAE decreased control by all herbicides except lactofen applied at high relative humidity, which controlled prickly sida at both 7 and 14 DAE.