The effects of P-E properties of epitaxially grown rhombohedral Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 film on the film thickness and temperature were systematically investigated. (100)-oriented rhombohedral Pb(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3 films with 50 - 3200 nm in thickness were grown on (100)cSrRuO3//(100)SrTiO3 substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The ratio of the remanent polarization (Pr) to saturation polarization (Psat), the Pr/Psat ratio, at room temperature decreased with decreasing the film thickness. Moreover, the Pr/Psat ratio at 10 K of 180-nm-thick films was smaller than that of 3200-nm-thick film and dropped at lower temperature with increasing the film thickness. These results suggest that the small Pr/Psat ratio of thin film at room temperature is originated to both of small Pr/Psat ratio even at 10K and their drop starting at lower temperature when the temperature increased.