OBJECTIVES/GOALS: To streamline the standards and procedures for operating a research-specific, clinical data warehouse, acheived by defining roles, introducing a common language, and categorizing dataset types to provide transparency regarding data security risks inherent in the use of patient data. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: We established a Bioethics committee responsible for ensuring clinical data is securely procured, maintained, and extracted in a manner that adheres to all federal, state, and local laws. We created an operational framework in the form of an umbrella IRB protocol and shared it with the bioethics committee for feedback and approval. The protocol was approved first by the bioethics committee and subsequently by the IRB. It was then disseminated across the institution and published online for continuous reference and use by committee members, researchers, and the data warehouse service team. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: The resulting framework defined the roles of researchers, data warehouse service team members, and honest brokers; explains the procedures for accessing and securely delivering data; and lists six categories of datasets according to type and implicit risks: datasets that are preparatory for research/aggregate counts, anonymized datasets, coded datasets, limited datasets, identified datasets for recruitment purposes, and defined identified cohort datasets. The protocol is approved and in use enterprise-wide, has reduced the number of questions from stakeholders, and has given researchers, IRB members, and informatics staff confidence in the use of the clinical research data warehouse. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We offer our framework to CTSAs interested in streamlining their data warehouse operations. We believe the adoption of this framework will establish strong procedures for ensuring compliance with IRB requirements, data privacy, and data security while reducing barriers to clinical research.