We study the linear stability of gravitationally unstable, transient, diffusive boundary layers in porous media using non-modal stability theory. We first perform a classical optimization procedure, using an adjoint-based method, to obtain the perturbations at the initial time
$t= {t}_{p} $ that have a maximum amplification at a final time
$t= {t}_{f} $. We then investigate the sensitivity of the optimal perturbations to the initial time,
${t}_{p} $, and the final time,
${t}_{f} $, as well as different measures of perturbation amplification. Due to the transient nature of the base state, we demonstrate that there is an optimal initial perturbation time,
${ t}_{p}^{o} $. By rescaling the problem, we develop analytical relationships for the optimal initial time and wavenumber in terms of aquifer properties. We also demonstrate that the classical optimization procedure essentially recovers the dominant perturbation structures predicted by a quasi-steady modal analysis. Although the classical optimal perturbations are mathematically valid, we observe that due to physical constraints, they are unlikely to reflect analogous laboratory experiments. Therefore, we propose a modified optimization procedure (MOP) that constrains the optimization to physically admissible initial perturbation fields. We compare the results of the classical and modified optimization procedures with quasi-steady modal analyses and initial value problems commonly used in the literature. Finally, we validate the predictions of the modified optimization scheme by performing direct numerical simulations (DNS) that emulate the onset of convection in physical systems.