Objective:Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2) is produced peripherally, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and improves synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent cognition in aged mice; however, the role of TIMP2 in human cognitive aging is unclear. We examined associations of circulating TIMP2 levels in blood with a known plasticity-inducing behavior, physical activity, and cognitive functioning among older adults along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum.
Participants and Methods:Participants included 84 community-dwelling older adults (meanage = 78.8; 57% female; 82% cognitively normal; 14% MCI; 4% mild dementia; 35% PET Aß+) enrolled in the UC San Francisco Memory and Aging Center. All participants completed 30 days of observational FitbitTM monitoring to quantify physical activity (average daily steps), as well as a comprehensive in-person visit including blood draw (proteins assayed on SOMAscan platform), [18F]AV-45 positron emission tomography (PET) to quantify brain beta-amyloid (centiloids), and neuropsychological assessment. Composite cognitive z-scores were calculated for memory (California Verbal Learning Test-II [CVLT-II] and Benson Figure Recall), semantic processing (animal fluency and Boston Naming Test), and executive functioning (digits backwards span, Stroop inhibition, modified trail making test, lexical fluency, and design fluency). Multiple linear regression examined TIMP2 as a function of physical activity, covarying for age and PET centiloids. Additional regression models separately examined cognitive z-scores as a function of TIMP2, covarying for age, sex, education, PET centiloids, and body mass index (BMI).
Results:TIMP2 was not significantly correlated with age, sex, education, or PET centiloids (ps > 0.05); however, TIMP2 was negatively correlated with BMI (r = -0.23, p = 0.036). Greater average daily steps related to higher levels of TIMP2 (b = 0.30, 95%CI = 0.04-0.55, p = 0.022). TIMP2 also related to better semantic processing (b = 0.28, 95%CI = 0.04-0.51, p = 0.021) and executive functioning (b = 0.26, 95%CI = 0.03-0.49, p = 0.028). TIMP2 did not significantly relate to memory (p > 0.05).
Conclusions:Greater physical activity was associated with higher concentrations of blood factor TIMP2, which in turn related to better cognitive functioning independent of Alzheimer’s disease pathology burden. These results support previous mouse models by broadly replicating relationships between TIMP2 and cognition in humans, while also uniquely demonstrating an association between TIMP2 and physical activity, a modifiable protective factor in both typical and diseased cognitive aging. Our domain-specific results, however, suggest that benefits of TIMP2 in humans may involve a broader neuroanatomical network than the hippocampal-specific effects previously shown in mice. Although exact mechanisms of TIMP2 need further examination, TIMP2 is known to be enriched in human umbilical cord plasma, has been shown to be involved in cell-growth promoting activities, and may relate to increased neural plasticity in older age. Further examination of TIMP2 and other novel blood-based proteins as potential therapeutic targets for improved cognitive aging, including in the presence of Alzheimer’s disease, is warranted.