Seven species-groups comprising 20 species in the New World genus Pandeleteius are described or redescribed; they are recognized by their irregular elytral striae and their well-developed stylus on the coxite of the female genitalia. The species-groups and their composition are as follows: P. biseriatus species-group—P. biseriatus (Kirsch), P. confinis sp.nov., P. subtilis sp.nov., P. thomasi sp.nov.; P. pollinosus species-group—P. pollinosus sp.nov., P. mesosternalis sp.nov.; P. porosus species-group—P. porosus (Boheman) (P. aspericollis Hustache, new synonymy), P. spinipennis sp.nov., P. scorpioides sp.nov., P. semiconnatus sp.nov., P. connatus sp.nov., P. torosus sp.nov.; P. upsilon species-group—P. upsilon Howden, P. penai sp.nov., P. baccatus sp.nov., P. cornelli sp.nov., P. smithsoni sp.nov.; P. assimilis Voss (monobasic species-group); P. colatus sp.nov. (monobasic species-group); and P. latirostris (Hustache) (monobasic species-group).
Lectotypes are designated for Menetypus aspericollis Hustache and Pandeleteius assimilis Voss.
All species are South American except P. thomasi, which is Mesoamerican.
Host plants are unknown but adults of five species are recorded as feeding on leaves of various Caesalpinaceae and Mimosaceae.