Eight syntheses of mortars used for restoration interventions in historic masonry were produced using the traditional materials of aerial lime and artificial pozzolanic additives. The mortars were aged over a 15-month period and then tested for properties related to chemical and mechanical stabilization using the following four analytical techniques: ultrasonic velocity propagation and the mortars' dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed), mercury intrusion porosimetry for evaluation of microstructural characteristics (percentage open porosity, bulk density, average pore radius, total cumulative volume, and specific surface area), water capillary rise tests for the determination of total cumulative volume accessible to water and capillary rise coefficients of the mortars, and conventional mechanical tests for the determination of the mortars' flexural and compressive strength. Performance is correlated to the mortars' chemical composition, microstructural characteristics (as measure by average pore radius) and mechanical characteristics as measured by dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) and flexural and compressive strength (Fc).