Perturbed rapidly rotating flows are dominated by inertial oscillations, with restricted group velocity directions, due to the restorative nature of the Coriolis force. In containers with some boundaries oblique to the rotation axis, the inertial oscillations may focus upon reflections, whereby their energy increases whilst their wavelength decreases and their trajectories focus onto attractor regions. In a linear inviscid setting, these attractors are Delta-like distributions. The linear inviscid setting is obtained formally by setting both Ekman number
${E}$ (ratio of inertial to viscous time scales) and Rossby number
${Ro}$ (non-dimensional amplitude of the forcing that drives the inertial oscillations) to zero. These settings raise fundamental questions, in particular concerning the nature of energy dissipation in the vanishing Ekman number regime. Here, we consider a simple container geometry, a rectangular cuboid, in which the direction of the rotation axis is oblique to four of its walls, subject to librational forcing (small-amplitude harmonic oscillations of the rotation rate). This geometry allows for accurate and efficient direct numerical simulations of the three-dimensional incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with no-slip boundary conditions using a spectral-Galerkin spatial discretisation along with a third-order temporal discretisation. Solutions with Ekman and Rossby numbers as small as
${E}={Ro}=10^{-8}$ reveal many details of how the inertial oscillations focus, at the libration frequency considered, onto attractors, and how the focusing leads to increased localised nonlinear and dissipative processes as
${E}$ and
${Ro}$ are reduced. Even for extremely small forcing amplitudes, nonlinear effects have important dynamic consequences for the attractors.