The microstructure of MoSi2 composite materials reinforced with 30vol% SiC particulate were investigated by TEM. These materials were initially produced by the XD™ process followed by either HIPing or forging.
The microstructural study revealed no significant differences between the HIPed and forged materials. In both materials, the size of the SiC particulate was found to vary from submicron to 30jtm and twins and stacking faults were observed in the SiC. No orientation relationships between the SiC and MoSi2 were found and dislocations emitted from the SiC/MoSi2 interfaces were noticed.
The distribution of dislocations in the MoSi2 matrix was nonuniform. The morphology of the dislocation structures may be categorized into three groups: 1) individual; 2) array; and 3) networks. [100]/[010] prismatic loops and (110) twins also were observed in some grains.