We report on a non-lithographic method for the preparation of self-assembled FePt nanoparticles via inert-gas condensation. Prior to deposition the particles can be sintered in flight at temperatures as high as TS = 1273 K. Whereas un-sintered particles have irregular shapes, particles sintered at elevated temperatures TS ≤ 793 K show a regular faceting. (High resolution) transmission electron microscopy ((HR)TEM) shows that these regularly faceted particles are of icosahedral structure. When being deposited onto amorphous carbon films, the gas-phase sintered particles are found to have a high mobility. In particular, for the high-temperature sintered FePt nanoparticles, we observe that this mobility leads to the formation of particle arrays with hexagonal close-packed arrangements. Within these ordered patches, the particles are separated from one another. Analytical investigations using energy filtered TEM (EFTEM) show that a carbon layer is formed between the particles. Magnetization analyses give results showing that the gas-phase sintered particles are superparamagnetic at room temperature with a blocking temperature of TB = 49K.