Seven imprinted genes are currently known in the mouse but none have been identified yet in the distal imprinting region of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 2, a region which shows striking linkage conservation with human chromosome 20q13. Both maternal duplication/paternal deficiency and its reciprocal for distal Chr 2 lead to mice with abnormal body shapes and behavioural abnormalities. We have tested a number of candidate genes, that are either likely or known to lie within the distal imprinting region, for monoallelic expression. These included 3 genes (Cebpb, E2f1 and Tcf4) that express transcription factors, 2 genes (Cyp24 and Pck1) that are involved in growth, 5 genes (Acra4, Edn3, Kcnb1, Mc3r and Ntsr) where a defect could lead to neurological and probably behavioural problems, and 3 genes (Cd40, Plcg1 and Rcad) that are less obvious candidates but sequence information was available for designing primers to test their expression. On/off expression of each gene was tested by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) analysis of RNA extracted from tissues of mice with maternal duplication/paternal deficiency and its reciprocal for the distal region of Chr 2. None of the 13 genes is monoallelically expressed in the appropriate tissues before and shortly after birth which suggests that these genes are not imprinted later in development. This study has narrowed down the search for imprinted genes, and valuable information on which genes have been tested for on/off expression is provided. Since there is considerable evidence of conservation of imprinting between mouse and human, we would predict that the 13 genes are not imprinted in human. Five of the genes: E2f1, Tcf4, Kcnb1, Cd40 and Rcad, have not yet been mapped in human. However, because of the striking linkage conservation observed between mouse Chr 2 and human chromosome 20, we would expect these genes to map on human chromosome 20q13.