Reviving the spirit of an earlier phase of cooperation, art librarians in the Netherlands joined together informally at the end of 1982 under the title ‘Overleg Kunsthistorische Bibliotheken’ (OKB); although this title remains in force, for international purposes the acronym ARLIS/NL was adopted in 1992. Meetings are held at least four times each year. The group helped to organise the 2nd European Conference of the IFLA Section of Art Libraries, at Amsterdam, in 1986, and prepared the contents of a special issue of Art Libraries Journal devoted to art libraries in the Netherlands, which appeared the following year. ARLIS/NL has also concerned itself with shared cataloguing, favouring TINLIB, and with coordinated collection policies, in association with Dutch university libraries and the Royal Library, while as a result of an ARLIS/NL initiative all member libraries are to submit periodicals holdings data to the Central Catalogue of Periodicals.