The term ‘phycolichens’ has recently been introduced as a synonym for ‘green algal lichens’ i.e. those having phycobionts as their primary autotrophic partner, which is analogous to the contracted term ‘cyanolichen’. However, a study of the history of the term ‘Phycolichenes’ leads us to suggest that this term should not be applied because of considerable ambiguities in past usage and the possibility of confusion. The term was first created by E. Fries in 1831, and was used later by Massalongo as a taxon for homoiomerous cyanobacterial lichens. With this, or similar meanings, it remained in use until the middle of the 20th Century. Diels (A. Engler's Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, Gebr. Borntr., Berlin, 1936) defined the same expression Phycolichenes as lichens with Phycomycetes as mycobiont, and this definition can still be found in recent literature. If a shortened term for green algal lichens is needed then we suggest ‘chlorolichens’ as a better counterpart to cyanolichens.