This Comedy call’d “The World as it goes, or a Party at Montpelier” is intended to be perform’d at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, by permission of the Rt. Honorable the Earl of Hertford.
Fairfax. [Mr. Lee Lewes]
Sir Charles Danvers. [Mr. Lewis]
Sparwell. [Mr. Wilson]
Grubb. [Mr. Quick]
Bronze. [Mr. Edwin]
von Irkin. [Mr. Wewitzer]
Murtagh. [Mr. Egan]
Monk. [Mr. Poile]
Le Rouge. [Mr. L’Estrange]
Le Gout.
Sidney Grubb. [Mrs. Inchbald]5
Lady Danvers. [Miss Younge]
Mrs. Sparwell. [Mrs. Mattocks]
Molly Grubb. [Mrs. Webb]
Countess. [Miss Ambrose]
Abbess. [Mrs. Platt]
Nell. [Mrs. Davenett]
Servts, Gentlemen, Nuns, Ladies &c.
Scene Montpelier
Prologue to The World as it goes
[Written by R. J. Goodenough, Esq;
Spoken by Mr. Lee Lewes.]
In each varied Class and Degree of Mankind
From the rough sturdy Clown to the Coxcomb refin’d;
From the straight string of Carrots, to the Locks nicely curl’d,
All alike are Ambitious of seeing the World.
What is seeing the World? ‘tis the pleasure of viewing
Just somewhat beyond what we daily are doing;
Some farther proportion of Novelty proving
A Circle just wider than that which we move in.
When Hodge mounts old Dobbin, and prim’d with good Ale,
To the neighboring Town drives his Cattle for sale,
His Importance extends with th’extent of his Care,
And he fancies he sees All the world at the Fair.
The Journey repeated, he holds his Head higher, –
Now see him to London's great City aspire;
“Zooks! this is the world, – plague o’ Skittles and Bowls
“The world is the Monument, waxwork and Powls.” –
A Serjeant surveys him, – “your hand my fine fellow
“For love of bright honor let's drink ‘till we’re mellow
“Serve with us my brave lad you’ll eclipse Alexander
“And the world will behold you a greater Com[m] ander.”
–“The World”! honest Hodge to resist has no power
So he's shot at and flogg’d for a Farthing an hour[.]
The Fribble11 at Paris instructed to Dance
Takes the Ton of the world from the Caper of France.
While he who to Rome has e’er ventur’d to go