We evaluated the effects of two low-energy diets with different glycaemic loads on arterial stiffness in adults with excess weight. This was a 45-day parallel-group, randomised clinical trial including seventy-five participants (20–59 years; BMI 32 kg/m2). They were assigned to two similar low-energy diets (reduction of ∼750 kcal.d−1) with macronutrient composition (55 % carbohydrates, 20 % proteins and 25 % lipids) but different glycaemic loads: high-glycaemic load (HGL 171 g.d−1; n 36) or low-glycaemic load (LGL 67 g.d−1; n 39). We evaluated: arterial stiffness (pulse wave velocity, PWV); augmentation index (AIx@75); reflection coefficient; fasting blood glucose; fasting lipid profile; blood pressure and body composition. We found no improvements in PWV (P = 0·690) and AIx@75 (P = 0·083) in both diet groups, but there was a decrease in the reflection coefficient in the LGL group (P = 0·003) compared with baseline. The LGL diet group showed reductions in body weight (Δ –4·9 kg; P = 0·001), BMI (Δ –1·6 kg/m2; P = 0·001), waist circumference (Δ –3·1 cm; P = 0·001), body fat (Δ –1·8 %; P = 0·034), as well as TAG (Δ –14·7 mg/dl; P = 0·016) and VLDL (Δ –2·8 mg/dl; P = 0·020). The HGL diet group showed a reduction in total cholesterol (Δ –14·6 mg/dl; P = 0·001), LDL (Δ –9·3 mg/dl; P = 0·029) but a reduction in HDL (Δ –3·7 mg/dl; P = 0·002). In conclusion, a 45-day intervention with low-energy HGL or LGL diets in adults with excess weight was not effective to improve arterial stiffness. However, the LGL diet intervention was associated with a reduction of reflection coefficient and improvements in body composition, TAG and VLDL levels.