We present observations of the pre-Main Sequence, rapidly-rotating (0.515 day) late-type star, AB Doradus (HD 36705), made by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite. A high-quality spectrum was accumulated between November 4-11, 1993, with an effective exposure time of about 40 hours. The data constrain the coronal temperature structure between several 104 K up to roughly 2 × 107 K through a differential emission measure analysis using an optically-thin plasma model. The resulting differential emission measure (DEM) distribution shows: a) dominant emission from plasma between about 2 × 106 K and 2 × 107 K, b) very little emission from plasma between 105 K and 2 × 106 K, and c) emission from plasma below about 105 K. If solar photospheric abundances are assumed, then the formal DEM solution also requires the presence of a strong high-temperature component (above about 3 × 107 K) in order to fit the strong continuum emission below about 150 Å; however, we believe that this component of the solution is not physical. The DEM analysis gives a best-fit value for the interstellar hydrogen column density of NH = (2.4 ± 0.5) × 1018 cm−2.