We have derived Mn abundances for more than 200 stars in nineteen globular clusters. In addition, Mn abundance determinations have been made for a comparable number of halo field stars possessing an overlapping range of metallicities and stellar parameters. The primary data set was comprised of high resolution spectra previously-acquired at the McDonald, Lick and Keck Observatories. Additional data were obtained from several other investigators. Data were analyzed using synthetic spectra of the 6000 Å Mn I triplet. Hyperfine structure parameters were included in the synthetic spectra computations. Our analysis shows that over the metallicity range $-0.7>[Fe/H]-2.7$ field stars have a mean relative abundance of $<[Mn/Fe]>=-0.36$ identical to that of the nineteen globular clusters $<[Mn/Fe]>=-0.36$. Our Mn abundance results viewed in conjunction with the globular cluster Cu abundances of Simmerer et al. (2003) suggest the following possibilities: one, the production of these elements is highly metallicity-dependent or two, these elements were manufactured in the Galactic halo prior to formation of present-day globular clusters.