Let G be a subgroup of the general linear group GL(n, Q) over the rational field Q, and consider its action by right multiplication on the vector space Qn of n-tuples over Q. The present paper investigates the question of how we may constructively determine the orbits and stabilizers of this action for suitable classes of groups. We suppose that G is specified by a finite set {x1, …, xr) of generators, and investigate whether there exist algorithms to solve the two problems:
(Orbit Problem) Given u, v ∊ Qn, does there exist x ∊ G such that ux = v; if so, find such an element x as a word in x1, …, xr and their inverses.
(Stabilizer Problem) Given u, v ∊ Qn, describe all words in x1, …, xr and their inverses which lie in the stabilizer