Objective:Approximately 6.5 million Americans ages 65 and older have Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, a prevalence projected to triple by 2060. While subtle impairment in cognition and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) arises in the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) phase, early detection of these insidious changes is difficult to capture given limitations. Traditional IADL assessments administered infrequently are less sensitive to early MCI and not conducive to tracking subtle changes that precede significant declines. Continuous passive monitoring of IADLs using sensors and software in home environments is a promising alternative. The purpose of this study was to determine which remotely monitored IADLs best distinguish between MCI and normal cognition.
Participants and Methods:Participants were 65 years or older, independently community-dwelling, and had at least one daily medication and home internet access. Clinical assessments were performed at baseline. Electronic pillboxes (MedTracker) and computer software (Worktime) measured daily medication and computer habits using the Oregon Center for Aging and Technology (ORCATECH) platform. The Survey for Memory, Attention, and Reaction Time (SMART; Trail A, Trail B, and Stroop Tests) is a self-administered digital cognitive assessment that was deployed monthly. IADL data was aggregated for each participant at baseline (first 90 days) in each domain and various features developed for each. The receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (ROC-AUC) was calculated for each feature.
Results:Traditional IADL Questionnaires.
At baseline, 103 participants (normal n = 59, Mage = 73.6±5.5; MCI n = 44, Mage = 76.0±6.1) completed three functional questionnaires (Functional Activities Questionnaire; Measurement of Everyday Cognition (ECog), both self-report and informant). The Informant ECog demonstrated the highest AUC (72% AUC, p = <.001).
Remotely monitored in-home IADLs and self-administered brief online cognitive test performance.
Eighty-four had medication data (normal n = 48, Mage = 73.2±5.4; MCI n = 36, Mage = 75.6±6.9). Four features related to pillbox-use frequency (73% AUC) and four features related to pillbox-use time (62% AUC) were developed. The discrepancy between self-reported frequency of use versus actual use was the most discriminating (67% AUC, p = .03).
Sixty-six had computer data (normal n = 38, Mage = 73.6±6.1; MCI n = 28, Mage = 76.6±6.8). Average usage time showed 64% AUC (p = .048) and usage variability showed 60% AUC (p = .18).
One hundred and two completed the SMART (normal n = 59, Mage = 73.6±5.5; MCI n = 43, Mage = 75.9±6.2). Eleven features related to survey completion time demonstrated 80% AUC in discriminating cognition. Eleven features related to the number of clicks during the survey demonstrated 70% AUC. Lastly, seven mouse movement features demonstrated 71% AUC.
Conclusions:Pillbox use frequency combined features and self-administered brief online cognitive test combined features (e.g., completion times, mouse cursor movements) have acceptable to excellent ability to discriminate between normal cognition and MCI and are relatively comparable to informant rated IADL questionnaires. General computer usage habits demonstrated lower discriminatory ability. Our approach has applied implications for detecting and tracking older adults’ declining cognition and function in real world contexts.