The report period 1982-84 was characterized by an again increased volume of material processed in data and abstracting centers, and by a growing clientele particularly of online services. The Working Groups of Commission 5 seek continued consultation with research object commissions so that the advanced documentation technology be efficiently employed toward specific demands of subject areas as to indexing, tagging, comprehensive, selective and inter-discliplinary retrievals. The guideline library for these purposes has been augmented by the First Dictionary of the Nomenclature of Celestial Objects by A. Fernandez, M.-C. Lortet and F. Spite (Astr. Astrophys. Suppl. 52 no.4, 1983) and by the Guide to the Presentation of Astronomical Data by G.A. Wilkins (CODATA Bull.46 1982); a new draft of the IAU Style Manual is before the IAU EC.