We performed an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) to evaluate the impact on non-humanbiota from liquid radioactive effluents discharged by the Belgian Nuclear Power Plants(NPPs) of Doel and Tihange. A deterministic risk assessment for aquatic and terrestrialecosystems was performed using the ERICA tool and applying the ERICA screening value of 10µGy.h-1. The ERA was performed for the radioactive discharge limits and forthe actual releases (maxima and averages over the last 10 years, 1999-2008). All ERICAreference organisms were considered and depending on the assessment situation, additionalreference organisms were included in the analysis. It can be concluded that the currentdischarge limits for the Belgian NPPs do not result in significant risks to the aquaticand terrestrial environment and that the actual discharges, which are a fraction of theliquid discharge limits, are unlikely to harm the environment.