Godin Tepe lies along the “High Road” leading from the Mesopotamian lowlands to the northern Iranian Plateau and beyond. This site acted as a center for the exchange of goods, transmission of ideas, and spread of technology; therefore the technology and manufacturing methods represented by the artifacts at this site provide information regarding the technology in use across the Iranian Plateau. Materials analyzed from Godin Tepe include crucibles, furnace and tuyere fragments, ore, and metal artifacts dating to the early third through late second millennium B.C.E. The production materials were concentrated in only a few locations throughout the site, and they are indicative of small scale production. SEM and microprobe analyses have allowed the determination of cooling rates and temperatures attained during smelting and casting operations in antiquity. In addition, the analysis of approximately 60 metal artifacts (out of the two-hundred plus that were excavated) have contributed greatly to understanding the variability in manufacture methods present during this time period. The results of this investigation support two significant conclusions. First, the measurement and evaluation of secondary dendrite arm spacing of cast artifacts and crucible prills provides insight to the processes and cooling methods employed by ancient craftsmen. Second, the wide range in manufacturing methods shown by the microstructures of non-utilitarian artifacts, offers strong evidence for the presence of multiple producers who copied styles and typology, but not technological methods from their contemporary craftsmen.