At the present time in Ukraine the special priority has the problem of somatoform disorders. A prevalence of clinical somatization neurotic disturbances and necessity of differential diagnostics with somatic diseases were the precondition for studying this area.
At the same time, in Ukraine the diagnosis “Vegetative-vascular dystonia” which is ciphered G 90.8, according to ICD-10 instead of “Somatoform disoders” F40.0-F48 is used. It leads unreasonable treatment significant contingents of neurotic patients in neurological departments.
The 60 agoraphobia patients and 40 panic disorder (PD) patients were examined. The emotional disturbances of all thease patients were investigated with the clinic and pathopsychological methods. The high level of anxiety was shown. Pathopsychologically the high level of personality anxiety and low level of neurotism and depression were indentified. The system of psychotherapy correction was established, with high efficacy in 68% cases.
On that ground has been developed complex differential system of medical- psychological and psychotherapy correction of agoraphobia, PD and somatoform disorders with the - 80% high efficasy. Our experience showed the necessity of the integrative models of psychotherapy provided, parted on stage. On the first stage - sedative-adapting the receptions of cognitive and suggestive psychotherapy are used. There is groupe therapy on second-main-stage. On the third stagetupesupportive elements of the autogenic training mastered.