In this paper we report the successful growth of single-phase epitaxial PtMnSb films and multilayers by dc magnetron cosputtering, both in the (001) orientation on MgO(001) and W(001), and in the (111) orientation on Al2O3 (0001). Single-layer films in the thickness range 50Å≤t≤1000Å were grown and characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD), magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The in-plane orientation relationships, as determined by asymmetric XRD, were PtMnSb[100]∥MgO[110], PtMnSb[100]∥W[100], and PtMnSb[101∥Al2O3[2110]. The crystalline quality of the films was found to depend strongly upon the substrate, growth temperature, film thickness, and presence of a capping layer, but rocking curve widths of 1° or less were achieved on each substrate. Measurement of the in-plane strain showed that the films were almost entirely relaxed, with strains <1%. In-plane magnetization was observed in all cases, with moments and coercivities in the 400-500 emu/cm3 and 100-200 Oe ranges respectively. Polar Kerr spectra showed large rotations (0.75° - 1.03°), whose peak wavelengths appear to depend on both film structure and optical interference effects.