We aimed to identify temporal patterns of energy intake and investigate their association with adiposity. We performed a cross-sectional study of 775 adults in Iran. Information about eating occasions across the day was collected by three 24-h dietary recalls. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify temporal eating patterns based on whether or not an eating occasion occurred within each hour of the day. We applied binary logistic regression to estimate the OR and 95 % CI of overweight and obesity (defined as BMI of 25–29·9 and ≥ 30 kg/m2, respectively) across temporal eating patterns while controlling for potential confounders. LCA grouped participants into three exclusive sub-groups named ‘Conventional’, ‘Earlier breakfast’ and ‘Later lunch’. The ‘Conventional’ class was characterised by high probability of eating occasions at conventional meal times. ‘Earlier breakfast’ class was characterised by high probability of a breakfast eating occasion 1 h before the conventional pattern and a dinner eating occasion 1 h after the conventional pattern, and the ‘Later lunch’ class was characterised by a high probability of a lunch eating occasion 1 h after the conventional pattern. Participants in the ‘Earlier breakfast’ pattern had a lower likelihood of obesity (adjusted OR: 0·56, 95 % CI: 0·35, 0·95) as compared with the ‘Conventional’ pattern. There was no difference in the prevalence of obesity or overweight between participants in the ‘Later lunch’ and the ‘Conventional’ patterns. We found an inverse association between earlier eating pattern and the likelihood of obesity, but reverse causation may be a plausible explanation.