The CaFeOX(CFO) and LaFeO3(LFO) thin films as well as superlattices were fabricated on SrTiO3(100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. The tetragonal LFO film grew with layer-by-layer growth mode until approximately 40 layers. In the case of CFO, initial three layers showed layer-by-layer growth, and afterward the growth mode was transferred to two layers-by-two layers (TLTL) growth mode. The RHEED oscillation was observed until the end of the growth, approximately 50nm. Orthorhombic twin CaFeO2.5 (CFO2.5) structure was obtained. However, it is expected that the initial three CFO layers are CaFeO3 (CFO3) with the valence of Fe4+. The CFO and LFO superlattice showed a step-terraces surface, and the superlattice satellite peaks in a 2θ-θ and reciprocal space mapping (RSM) x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, indicating that the clear interfaces were fabricated.