Nanostructures are electrochemically deposited into alumina or polycarbonate templates resulting in monodisperse, anisotropic particles with a range of tunable sizes. These particles have been synthesized with diameters of 20–250 nm and with lengths of 1–10 μm. Currently, structures have been made with stripes of Au, Ag, CdSe, Co, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt. These materials offer a variety of different properties. In particular, many of the metals in this group are excellent conductors, meaning these particles can actually be used as nanowires. Co and Ni are ferromagnetic and may be used for separation or assembly. CdSe is a semiconductor, possibly allowing for the synthesis of electronic devices such as transistors. Furthermore, many of these materials have different surface chemistries, making the orthogonal functionalization and assembly of these nanowires more accessible. This research focuses on increasing the number of materials available, especially semiconductors, incorporating these potentially useful materials into multilayered nanowires and evaluating their electrical properties, either individually or in small bundles. In addition, the surface chemistry of the various materials in the nanowires is being compared to aid in orthogonal self-assembly of functional nanostructures such as memory devices. The work presented will demonstrate the effects of rod composition on electrical properties. In particular, the effects of changing the work function of the materials on either side of a semiconductor to form Schottky junctions or ohmic contacts will be shown.