In India, the registration and protection of new and notified/extant plant varieties are based on the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) of morphological characteristics. However, these morphological traits have not been helpful in resolving closely related genotypes. The molecular markers can very well support the DUS testing in such cases. Therefore, in the present study, 20 accessions of bottle gourd were fingerprinted using 20 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers. Of these, ten primers exhibited polymorphic profiles, while nine exhibited monomorphic patterns and one revealed a null allele. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 4 with an average of 2.6 alleles per locus. Unique DNA profiles of all the accessions could be created using a set of five polymorphic primers. Therefore, SSR markers used in the present study could precisely distinguish all the 20 accessions from each other, and these SSR markers can be further used to differentiate the future genotypes from the existing ones. The dendrogram depicting the genetic relationships as revealed by NTSYS-pc 2.02 and the tree diagram generated using the DARwin 5.0 program classified the accessions into two main clusters. There is no strong association between the clustering pattern and geographical origin of these accessions. This SSR marker-based diversity would facilitate the implementation of marker-assisted breeding schemes for efficient introduction of the desired traits into bottle gourd.