During fertilisation of a fully mature oocyte, the sperm intrinsic nuclear envelope (SINE) disappears soon after sperm-oocyte fusion. A new nuclear envelope appears around the decondensed sperm chromatin when the oocyte reaches telophase II. Whether the SINE persists or rapidly disappears after sperm entery into immature oocytes or fertilised eggs has been controversial. Nuclear envelopes have been demonstrated around the sperm chromatin, which cannot be decondensed within the ooplasm of these oocytes or eggs, but whether these envelopes are persisting SINEs or newly formed envelopes has been apoint of dispute. To resolve this issue, the fate of the germinal vesicle stage(GV oocytes) or fertilised eggs at the pronuclear stage(PN eggs). The SINEs disappeared quikly within these oocytes or eggs, like those within maturing or mature oocytes, suggesting that the envelops around the sperm chromatin must be newly formed after SINE breakdown. To obtain further evidence, a detergent-treated, SINE-free sperm nucleus was injected into a PN egg. A new envelope appeared around the still-condensed or partially decondensed sperm chromatin within 3h after injection. Thus, disassembly of the SINE within ooplasm, unlike that of nuclear envelopes of other cells at prophase, is independent of the cell cycle stage of the oocyte or egg, whereas the ability of the ooplasm to assemble the new envelope is restricted to certain periods of the cycle. i.e. early prophase and telophase during meiosis and interphase, periods when active M-phase Promoting factor (MPF) is absent from the ooplasm.