Recent resurgence of interest in the Mesozoic rocks of SW and southern Cyprus necessitates redefinition of the Mesozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks in line with modern stratigraphical convention. Two fundamentally different rocks associations are present, the Troodos Complex, not redefined, a portion of late Cretaceous oceanic crust, and the Mamonia Complex, the tectonically dismembered remnants of a Mesozoic continental margin. Based on earlier work, the Mamonia Complex is divided into two groups, each subdivided into a number of subsidiary formations and members. The Ayios Photios Group is wholly sedimentary, and records the evolution of a late Triassic to Cretaceous inactive continental margin. The Dhiarizos Group represents Triassic alkalic volcanism and sedimentation adjacent to a continental margin. Several other formations not included in the two groups comprise sedimentary mélange and metamorphic rocks. The Troodos Complex possesses an in situ late Cretaceous sedimentary cover which includes two formations of ferromanganiferous pelagic sediments, radiolarites and volcaniclastic sandstones. The overlying Cainozoic calcareous units are not redefined here.