Direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of three-dimensional cylindrical release gravity currents in a linearly stratified ambient are presented. The simulations cover a range of stratification strengths
$0< S\leq 0.8$ (where
$S=(\rho _b^*-\rho _0^*)/(\rho _c^*-\rho _0^*), \rho _b^*, \rho _0^*$ and
$\rho _c^*$ are the dimensional density at the bottom of the domain, top of the domain and the dense fluid, respectively) at two different Reynolds numbers. A comparison between the stratified and unstratified cases illustrates the influence of stratification strength on the dynamics of cylindrical gravity currents. Specifically, the front velocity in the slumping phase decreases with increasing stratification strength whereas the duration of the slumping phase increases with increments of
$S$. The Froude number calculated in this phase shows a good agreement with models proposed by Ungarish & Huppert (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 458, 2002, pp. 283–301) and Ungarish (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 548, 2006, pp. 49–68), originally developed for planar gravity currents in a stratified ambient. In the inertial phase, the front velocity across cases with different stratification strengths adheres to a power-law scaling with an exponent of
$-$1/2. Higher Reynolds numbers led to more frequent lobe splitting and merging, with lobe size diminishing as stratification strength increased. Strong interactions among inner vortex rings occurred during the slumping phase, leading to the early formation of hairpin vortices in weakly stratified cases, while strongly stratified cases exhibited delayed vortex formation and less turbulence.