Just as the 40+ years of technology developments associated with the electronic application of semiconductor fabrication processes is “morphing” into a micro-electro- mechanical systems (MEMS) technology in the past dozen years or so, so it seems may the “mature” multilayer ceramic fabrication technology associated with capacitor components and interconnect substrates for the integrated circuit industry, be morphed into MEMS – microsystems technology applications. This paper highlights work underway in Motorola Labs aimed at exploring the potential to develop 3D multilayer ceramic structures to integrate (monolithic and hybrid) multiple functions to create microsystems for wireless, energy and life science applications. By multiple functions, we refer to the ability for a microsystem to perform electronic, fluidic, thermonic, photonic and mechatronic (or actuator) based functions. Current capabilities of the multilayer ceramic materials and processes to achieve integrated functionalities for wireless applications will be described including the development of a new dielectric enabling increased performance for wireless applications. Also to be highlighted will be exploratory microscale fuel cell prototypes exploiting advances in the multilayer ceramic lamination and feature forming technologies enabling the insertion of 3D microchannels for microfluidic functions. These prototypes also feature the ability of the technology to provide thermonic functionality for microreactor devices. Feasibility of a light source that can be integrated into the technology platform hinting at photonic applications will be described. Many materials science and engineering advancements are needed to achieve the potential of this “old” but newly “morphing” technology and some of these will be noted.