From a public health standpoint, identifying factors that contribute
to risky sexual practices among substance-dependent individuals is
critical, particularly in the context of HIV infection. This study
examines the respective contributions of executive neurocognitive
functions, sensation seeking, and HIV serostatus in predicting risky
sexual practices among poly-substance users (with a history of dependence
primarily for cocaine or cocaine/heroin). HIV+ (n = 109) and
HIV− (n = 154) substance-dependent individuals were
assessed using three neurocognitive tasks of executive functions: Stroop
reaction time, delayed non-matching to sample, and the Iowa Gambling Task.
Sensation seeking was assessed using the Sensation Seeking Scale–V.
Greater sensation seeking was associated with more risky sexual practices
among HIV+ participants, particularly among those who performed best on
the Iowa Gambling Task. Our findings indicate that continued risk behavior
among HIV+ drug users may be driven by sensation seeking (a personality
trait common among drug users); however, the impact of executive functions
is less clear. (JINS, 2005, 11, 121–131.)