24 results
F. Fontana, I Culti di Aquileia repubblicana: aspetti della politica religiosa in Gallia Cisalpina tra il III e il II Sec. A.C. (Studi Richerche sulla Gallia Cisalpina 9). Rome: Quasar, 1997. Pp. 380, 82 figs, ISBN 88-7140-101-8. L 50.000.
- Journal:
- The Journal of Roman Studies / Volume 89 / November 1999
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 March 2012, pp. 227-228
- Print publication:
- November 1999
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M. C. D'Ercole, La stipe votiva del Belvedere a Lucera (Archaeologica LXXX; Corpus delle stipi votive in Italia III, regio ii, 2). Rome: Bretschneider, 1990. Pp. 317, 101 pls, 1 plan, ISBN 88-7689-076-9. L 700,000. - A. Comella and G. Stefani, Materiali votivi del Santuario di campetti a Veio: Scavi 1947 e 1969 (Archaeologica LXXXIV; Corpus delle stipi votivi in Italia v, regio vii, 2). Rome: Bretschneider, 1990. Pp. 220 59 pls, 1 plan. ISBN 88-7689-039-4.
- Journal:
- The Journal of Roman Studies / Volume 83 / November 1993
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 24 September 2012, pp. 188-189
- Print publication:
- November 1993
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Provincial architectural ornament: Pannonia - AKOS KISS , PANNONISCHE ARCHITEKTURELEMENTE UND ORNAMENTIK IN UNGARN (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1987). Pp. 192, pl.118. ISBN 963-05-4148-3. $65 or equivalent.
- Journal:
- Journal of Roman Archaeology / Volume 5 / 1992
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 395-400
- Print publication:
- 1992
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Archaeology in Albania - PIERRE CABANES (Ed.), L'ILLYRIE MÉRIDIONALE ET L'ÉPIRE DANS L'ANTIQUITÉ, ACTES DU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE CLERMONT-FERRAND (22-25 OCTOBRE 1984) (Editions Adosa, Germont-Ferrand 1987). Pp. 274 with figures. ISBN 2-86639-011-3. 490 FF. - ARNE EGGEBRECHT (Hrsg.), ALBANIEN, SCHÄTZE AUS DEM LAND DER SKIPETAREN (Philip von Zabern, Mainz 1988). Pp. 476, many illustrations. ISBN 3-8053-0978-3. ISBN 3-8053-1017-X. - GUNTRAM KOCH , ALBANIEN, KUNST UND KULTUR IM LAND DER SKIPETAREN (DuMont, Köln 1989). Pp. 335. 33 colour, 88 half-tone pls., many figs. ISBN 3-7701-2079-5. DM 42.-
- Journal:
- Journal of Roman Archaeology / Volume 5 / 1992
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 341-348
- Print publication:
- 1992
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The Architecture of Petra. By Judith McKenzie. 306 × 227mm. Pp. 209 + 245 pls., 9 maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and the British School in Amman for Archaeology and History (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 1), 1990. ISBN 0-19-727000-X. £65.00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 71 / September 1991
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 April 2011, pp. 286-287
- Print publication:
- September 1991
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VII. The Papal Palace and other Fourteenth-Century Buildings at Sorgues near Avignon
- Journal:
- Archaeologia / Volume 109 / 1991
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 April 2011, pp. 161-192
- Print publication:
- 1991
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Roman Circuses. Arenas for Chariot Racing. By John H. Humphrey. 256 × 194mm. Pp. xiv + 703, 303 ills. London: Batsford, 1986. ISBN 0-7134-2116-9. £50·00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 70 / Issue 2 / September 1990
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 April 2011, pp. 487-489
- Print publication:
- September 1990
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The Temple at Bath (Aquae Sulis) in the context of classical temples in the west European provinces - BARRY CUNLIFFE AND PETER DAVENPORT , THE TEMPLE OF SULIS MINERVA AT BATH I (1): THE SITE (Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, monograph no.7, Oxford 1985). Pp. xv + 194, 134 figs, 73 pls., 6 microfiches. £35. ISBN 0-947816-07-0.
- Journal:
- Journal of Roman Archaeology / Volume 3 / 1990
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2015, pp. 419-430
- Print publication:
- 1990
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The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath. Vol. I. The Site.By Barry Cunliffe and Peter Davenport. 305 × 215mm. Pp.xv + 194, 134 figs., 73pls., 6 microfiches. Oxford: Oxford University Committee for Archaeology (Monograph series, 7), 1985. ISBN 0-947816-07-0. £48·00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 69 / Issue 2 / September 1989
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 April 2011, pp. 356-357
- Print publication:
- September 1989
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Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (Great Britain). Vol. I. Fasc. 3. Yorkshire. By S. Rinaldi Tufi. 28 × 22 cm. Pp. xiv + 80 + 37 pls. Oxford: Oxford University Press, for the British Academy, 1983. ISBN 0–19–726019–5., £42.00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 64 / Issue 2 / September 1984
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 472-473
- Print publication:
- September 1984
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Architectural Fragments from the Vicinity of Verulamium
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 64 / Issue 2 / September 1984
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 362-365
- Print publication:
- September 1984
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Roman Provincial Wall Painting of the Western Empire. Edited by Joan Liversidge. 29·5 × 21 cm. Pp. 208, ills. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports (International Series 140), 1982. ISBN 0-86054-171-1. £11.00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 64 / Issue 1 / March 1984
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 156-157
- Print publication:
- March 1984
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Diocletian's Palace. Part 1. Report on Joint Excavations in Southeast Quarter. By J. and T. Marasović, S. McNally and J. J. Wilkes. Part 2. American-Yugoslav Joint Excavations. By S. McNally and J. and T. Marasović. 32 × 24 cm. Pp. xii + 50 + 26 pls. + 29 figs.; xii + 68 + 33 pls. + 60 figs. Split: Urbanistički zavod Dalmacije and University of Minnesota, 1972 and 1976. Prices not stated.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 63 / Issue 2 / September 1983
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 428-429
- Print publication:
- September 1983
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Two Decorative Relief Carvings at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 63 / Issue 2 / September 1983
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 355-359
- Print publication:
- September 1983
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Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (Great Britain). Vol. I.2. Bath and the Rest of Wessex. By B. W. Cunliffe and M. G. Fulford. 28 × 22 cm. Pp. xvi + 59 + 48 pls. Oxford: Oxford University Press, for the British Academy, 1982. ISBN 0-19-726004-7. £42.00.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 63 / Issue 1 / March 1983
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, p. 171
- Print publication:
- March 1983
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Ligorio, Palladio, and the Decorated Roman Capital from Le Mura di Santo Stefano
- Journal:
- Papers of the British School at Rome / Volume 47 / November 1979
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 09 August 2013, pp. 102-116
- Print publication:
- November 1979
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Hal Millieri: A Maltese Casale, its Churches and Paintings. Edited by Anthony Luttrell. 23·5 × 16 cm. Pp. 143 + 40 pls. + 10 figs. Valetta, Malta: Midsea Books, 1976. £M 4·50.
- Journal:
- The Antiquaries Journal / Volume 58 / Issue 2 / September 1978
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 November 2011, pp. 434-435
- Print publication:
- September 1978
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