Mössbauer spectra of three natural ferrihydrites of different crystallinities were collected between 295 and 4·2 K. Optimal fits of the room-temperature spectra were obtained using distributions of quadrupole-split doublets; half-widths of the distributions (0·71–0·86 mm/s) increased, and maxima (at 0·62–0·78 mm/s) shifted to higher quadrupole splittings with decreasing crystallinity. Rather poorly-defined magnetically-ordered spectral components appeared and gradually replaced the superparamagnetic doublets as temperatures were reduced. Blocking temperatures between 115 and 28 K, derived from the relative areas under the doublets and magnetic sextets, indicated average particle sizes between ∼ 5 and 3 nm. The sextets were relatively broad and could be fitted with distributions of hyperfine fields. These distributions narrowed and their maxima shifted to higher fields as temperatures decreased; the influence of superparamagnetism was no longer apparent at 4·2 K.