Following the finite-time collapse of an unsteady interacting boundary
layer (step
1), shortened length and time scales are examined here in the near-wall
dynamics of
transitional-turbulent boundary layers or during dynamic stall. The next
two steps
are described, in which (step 2) normal pressure gradients come into operation
with a continuing nonlinear critical-layer jump and then (step 3) vortex
formation is
induced typically. Normal pressure gradients enter in at least two ways,
on the internal or external flow configuration. This yields for certain
internal flows
an extended KdV equation with an extra nonlinear integral contribution
by a coefficient which is proportional to the normal rate of change of
curvature of
the velocity profile locally and whose sign turns out to be crucial. Positive
values of
the coefficient lead to a further finite-time singularity, while negative
values produce
a rapid secondary instability phenomenon. Zero values in contrast allow
an interplay
between solitary waves and wave packets to emerge at large scaled times,
this interplay
eventually returning the flow to its original, longer, interactive, boundary-layer
but now coupled with multiple shorter-scale Euler regions. In external
quasi-external flows more generally an extended Benjamin–Ono equation
holds instead,
leading to a reversal in the roles of positive and negative values of the
The next step, 3, typically involves the strong wind-up of a local vortex,
leading on to
explosion or implosion of the vortex. Further discussion is also presented,
the three-dimensional setting, the computational implications, and experimental