The microfilarial level in the peripheral blood of Mastomys natalensis infected with the filarial parasites, Litomosoides carinii, Brugia pahangi, B. malayi and Dipetalonema viteae was monitored at two-hour intervals for 24 hours. The microfilariae of B. pahangi and B. malayi exhibited nocturnal and diurnal subperiodicity, respectively; no such periodicty was seen in L. carinii and D. viteae infections.
The level of B. pahangi and D. viteae microfilariae in peripheral blood was significantly increased when the host was anaesthetized with diethylether or pentothal sodium. Ether-induced anaesthesia had no effect on tne level of B. malayi microfilariae but pentothal was most effective. The peripheral blood count of L. carinii microfilariae tended to decrease in the anaesthetized animals but the reduction was not statistically significant.