3 results
Case 99 - A 42-year-old obese man with worsening snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness
- Book:
- Case Studies in Polysomnography Interpretation
- Published online:
- 05 August 2015
- Print publication:
- 18 October 2012, pp 120-120
- Chapter
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- Book:
- Case Studies in Polysomnography Interpretation
- Published online:
- 05 August 2015
- Print publication:
- 18 October 2012, pp x-xii
- Chapter
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Case 100 - A 67-year-old man with class III heart failure
- Book:
- Case Studies in Polysomnography Interpretation
- Published online:
- 05 August 2015
- Print publication:
- 18 October 2012, pp 121-121
- Chapter
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