In pot culture experiments in the greenhouse, rice [Oryza sativa L. ‘Nova 66’], red rice [O. sativa L.], barnyardgrass [Echinochola crus-galli (L.) Beauv.], broadleaf signal-grass [Brachiaria platyphylla (Griseb.) Nash], northern jointvetch [Aeschynomene virginica (L.) B.S.P.], and hemp sesbania [Sesbania exaltata (Raf.) Cory] were seeded 1.3, 2.5, 5.1, and 10.2 cm deep in Crowley silt loam which was held at field capacity (24% moisture), saturation (34% moisture), or submerged 1.3 or 5.1 cm. At field capacity and saturation all species seeded 1.3, 2.5, and 5.1 cm deep emerged and grew well; seeding the plants 10.2 cm deep reduced emergence and growth. Submergence of the soil controlled all weeds effectively but reduced emergence and growth of dry-seeded rice.