Effects of nicotine and caffeine, separately and
in combination, were assessed in 12 male habitual smokers
in a repeated-measures design. Caffeine (0-mg vs. two 150-mg
doses administered in a decaffeinated/sugar-free cola drink
post-baseline and 90 min later) was crossed with nicotine
(ad libitum own dosing vs. 1.0-mg machine-delivered dose
vs. 0.05-mg machine-delivered dose). Participants smoked
a total of five cigarettes at 30-min intervals over a 2-hr
period. Caffeine and nicotine had large effect sizes on
electroencephalogram (EEG) power; however, these effects
were modulated by the eyes open versus closed condition,
the other drug, and electrode site. EEG effects of open
versus closed eyes tended to be of the same size and direction
as those of nicotine and caffeine. However, whereas nicotine
increased EEG power in some higher frequency bands in some
conditions, caffeine decreased EEG power across almost
all conditions. Serum cortisol concentration, vigor, and
pleasantness were increased by nicotine, but not by caffeine.
Level of depressive mood depended on an interaction of
caffeine and nicotine. Vigilance performance was enhanced
significantly by caffeine and was increased almost significantly
by nicotine. The findings were interpreted in terms of
common and differential mechanisms of the two drugs.