The feeding behavior of adult Colorado potato beetles has been studied on leaflets from two clones of Solanum berthaultii Hawkes (PI473340, clones #1726 and #1729) and on S. tuberosum L. var. Norchip leaflets treated with leaf extract from S. berthaultii 1726. Treatment of S. tuberosum leaflet with leaf extract from S. berthaultii 1726 (0.075 mg/cm2 of leaflet) did not modify the behavior of adult Colorado potato beetles even if consumption was reduced. On S. berthaultii 1726, consumption and consumption rate were reduced, the frequency of the “moving” behavior increased, the frequency of the “resting” behavior decreased, and the frequency of the “feeding” behavior did not change compared with S. tuberosum. The antifeedant property of S. berthaultii 1726 probably was perceived during the sampling step of the feeding behavior and prevented continuous feeding.
The beetles avoided contact with S. berthaultii 1729 leaflets, less consumption occurred, the frequency of the “feeding” and “resting” behaviors was reduced, and the “moving” frequency increased in most cases. This suggested the presence of deterrents influencing host acceptance and initiation of feeding. On S. berthaultii 1726 and 1729, the frequency of some behaviors changed during the bioassay (2.5 h in duration), probably as a consequence of food deprivation.