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- Subject
- Mathematics
- Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics
- ISBN:9781108970648
- Format:eBooks
- Subject(s):Mathematics
- Qualification:Cambridge IGCSE
- Author(s):Sue Pemberton
- Available from: December 2020
These resources have been created for the Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics syllabuses (0606/4037), for first examination from 2020.
This digital coursebook gives clear explanations of new mathematical concepts, followed by exercises. This allows students to practise the skills required and gain the confidence to apply them. Discussion exercises and extra challenge questions have been designed to deepen students’ understanding and stimulate interest in mathematics.
- Contents
Recap sections at the beginning of chapters remind students of what they already know and where this is applicable to learning new skills.
Discussion exercises help students further their understanding of new concepts with opportunities for reflection.
Clear worked examples guide students through new mathematical skills.
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- 1. Functions
- 2. Simultaneous equations and quadratics
- 3. Indices and surds
- 4. Factors and polynomials
- 5. Equations, inequalities and graphs
- 6. Logarithmic and exponential functions
- 7. Straight-line graphs
- 8. Circular measure
- 9. Trigonometry
- 10. Permutations and combinations
- 11. Series
- 12. Differentiation 1
- 13. Vectors
- 14. Differentiation 2
- 15. Integration
- 16. Kinematics
- Answers
- Index.
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