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The New Cambridge History of Islam

Volume 2. The Western Islamic World, Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries


Part of The New Cambridge History of Islam

  • Editor: Maribel Fierro, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid
Maribel Fierro, María Jesús Viguera-Molins, Michael Brett, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Anne-Marie Eddé, Yaacov Lev, Amalia Levanoni, Esther Peskes, Gary Leiser, Kate Fleet, Colin Imber, Suraiya Faroqhi, Bruce Masters, Bernard Haykel, Stephen Cory, Ulrich Rebstock, Houari Touati, Mercedes García-Arenal, Albrecht Fuess, Olivia Remie Constable, John L. Meloy, Manuela Marín
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  • Date Published: July 2023
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107456952

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  • Volume 2 of The New Cambridge History of Islam is devoted to the history of the Western Islamic lands from the political fragmentation of the eleventh century to the beginnings of European colonialism towards the end of the eighteenth century. The volume embraces a vast area from al-Andalus and North Africa to Arabia and the lands of the Ottomans. In the first four sections, scholars – all leaders in their particular fields - chart the rise and fall, and explain the political and religious developments, of the various independent ruling dynasties across the region, including famously the Almohads, the Fatimids and Mamluks, and, of course, the Ottomans. The final section of the volume explores the commonalities and continuities that united these diverse and geographically disparate communities, through in-depth analyses of state formation, conversion, taxation, scholarship and the military.

    • Informed and broad-ranging coverage of the history, politics and economics of the Western Islamic lands from the break-up of the Caliphate to the arrival of Europe
    • Covers a vast area, including the Iberian Peninsula, North and West Africa, Egypt, Syria, Western Arabia, Yemen, Anatolia and the Balkans
    • Nuanced appraisal of shared and diverse social, cultural and religious experiences of those who lived in these regions
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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2023
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107456952
    • length: 897 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 45 mm
    • weight: 1.271kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction Maribel Fierro
    Part I. Al-Andalus, North and West Africa:
    1. Al-Andalus and the Maghrib (from the fifth/eleventh century to the fall of the Almoravids) María Jesús Viguera-Molins
    2. The central lands of North Africa and Sicily, until the beginning of the Almohad period Michael Brett
    3. The Almohads (524–646/1130–1248) and the Hafsids (627–932/1229–1526) Maribel Fierro
    4. The post-Almohad dynasties in al-Andalus and the Maghrib (seventh-ninth/thirteenth-fifteenth centuries) Fernando Rodríguez Mediano
    5. West Africa and its early empires Ulrich Rebstock
    Part II. Egypt and Syria:
    6. Bilād al-Shām, from the Fatimid conquest to the fall of the Ayyubids (359–658/970–1260) Anne-Marie Eddé
    7. The Fatimid caliphate (358–567/969–1171) and the Ayyubids in Egypt (567–648/1171–1250) Yaacov Lev
    8. The Mamluks in Egypt and Syria: the Turkish Mamluk sultanate (648–784/1250–1382) and the Circassian Mamluk sultanate (784–923/1382–1517) Amalia Levanoni
    9. Western Arabia and Yemen (fifth/eleventh century to the Ottoman conquest) Esther Peskes
    Part III. Muslim Anatolia and the Ottoman Empire:
    10. The Turks in Anatolia before the Ottomans Gary Leiser
    11. The rise of the Ottomans Kate Fleet
    12. The Ottoman Empire (tenth/sixteenth century) Colin Imber
    13. The Ottoman Empire. The age of 'political households' (eleventh-twelfth/seventeenth-eighteenth centuries) Soraiya Faroqhi
    14. Egypt and Syria under the Ottomans Bruce Masters
    15. Western Arabia and Yemen during the Ottoman period Bernard Haykel
    Part IV. North and West Africa:
    16. Sharīfian rule in Morocco (tenth-twelfth/sixteenth-eighteenth centuries) Stephen Cory
    17. West Africa (tenth-twelfth/sixteenth-eighteenth centuries) Ulrich Rebstock
    18. Ottoman Maghrib Houari Touati
    Part V. Rulers, Soldiers, Peasants, Scholars and Traders:
    19. State formation and organization Michael Brett
    20. Conversion to Islam. From the 'age of conversions' to the millet system Mercedes García-Arenal
    21. Taxation and armies Albrecht Fuess
    22. Trade
    22A. Muslim trade in the Late Medieval Mediterranean world Olivia Remie Constable
    22B. Overland trade in the western Islamic world (fifth-ninth/eleventh-fifteenth centuries) John L. Meloy
    22C. Trade in the Ottoman lands to 1215/1800 Bruce Masters
    23. The 'ulamā' Manuela Marín

  • Editor

    Maribel Fierro, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid
    Maribel Fierro is a Research Professor at the Center of Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid. Her previous publications include Al-Andalus: saberes e intercambios culturales (2001), Abd al-Rahman III, The First Cordoban Caliph (2005), Los almohades: problemas y perspectivas (as co-editor, 2005) and El cuerpo derrotado: cómo trataban musulmanes y cristianos a los enemigos vencidos (Península Ibérica, ss. VIII-XIII) (as co-editor, 2008).


    Maribel Fierro, María Jesús Viguera-Molins, Michael Brett, Fernando Rodríguez Mediano, Anne-Marie Eddé, Yaacov Lev, Amalia Levanoni, Esther Peskes, Gary Leiser, Kate Fleet, Colin Imber, Suraiya Faroqhi, Bruce Masters, Bernard Haykel, Stephen Cory, Ulrich Rebstock, Houari Touati, Mercedes García-Arenal, Albrecht Fuess, Olivia Remie Constable, John L. Meloy, Manuela Marín

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