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A First Course in Continuum Mechanics


Part of Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics

  • Date Published: January 2008
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521714242

£ 49.99

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  • A concise account of various classic theories of fluids and solids, this book is for courses in continuum mechanics for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. Thoroughly class-tested in courses at Stanford University and the University of Warwick, it is suitable for both applied mathematicians and engineers. The only prerequisites are an introductory undergraduate knowledge of basic linear algebra and differential equations. Unlike most existing works at this level, this book covers both isothermal and thermal theories. The theories are derived in a unified manner from the fundamental balance laws of continuum mechanics. Intended both for classroom use and for self-study, each chapter contains a wealth of exercises, with fully worked solutions to odd-numbered questions. A complete solutions manual is available to instructors upon request. Short bibliographies appear at the end of each chapter, pointing to material which underpins or expands upon the material discussed.

    • Class-tested over 9 years at both Warwick and Stanford Universities
    • Includes full solutions to all odd-numbered exercises, with a complete solutions manual available for instructors on request
    • Lots of examples in the form of fully-worked exercises, demonstrating the points being made
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… some of the characteristics of an excellent study guide are clearly evident here - lucid exposition, copious exercises (many with complete worked solutions), and an obvious attention to detail - and the fact that the text has been honed at the chalk faces of Stanford and Warwick Universities provides a strong indication that were one charged with teaching the fundamentals of continuum mechanics to graduate or advanced undergraduate students this would be an excellent book to use … I am confident in my assessment that this is an exceptional book … Having read through Gonzalez and Stuart's book, … I have deepened my knowledge considerably. I can certainly envisage turning to this book whenever the applicability of the equations I am studying is an issue … This book forms part of the highly regarded Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics and it can only serve to enhance that series' reputation.' Contemporary Physics

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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 2008
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521714242
    • length: 414 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.61kg
    • contains: 176 exercises
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Tensor algebra
    2. Tensor calculus
    3. Continuum mass and force concepts
    4. Kinematics
    5. Balance laws
    6. Isothermal fluid mechanics
    7. Isothermal solid mechanics
    8. Thermal fluid mechanics
    9. Thermal solid mechanics
    Answers to selected problems

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    A First Course in Continuum Mechanics

    Oscar Gonzalez, Andrew M. Stuart

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  • Instructors have used or reviewed this title for the following courses

    • Geomechanics
  • Authors

    Oscar Gonzalez, University of Texas, Austin
    Oscar Gonzalez is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas. His research interests cover computational and applied mathematical problems related to the large-scale deformations of thin rods and ribbons, and more general three-dimensional bodies. He has contributed articles to numerous journals across mathematics, engineering and chemistry. His current research efforts are directed toward understanding the mechanical properties of DNA at various length scales.

    Andrew M. Stuart, University of Warwick
    Andrew Stuart is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick. His general research interests cover computational stochastic processes and dynamical systems and his current research efforts are directed mainly towards problems at the interface of applied mathematics and statistics. He has contributed articles to numerous journals across mathematics, engineering and physics and is the recipient of six prizes for his work in Applied Mathematics.

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