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Primary Activity Box

Primary Activity Box

This photocopiable resource book contains a wide variety of games and activities designed to supplement your coursebook.

Are you constantly looking for extra activities for your young students? Are you always short of time? Primary Activity Box will help you out. The photocopiable resource book contains a wide variety of games and activities designed to supplement your coursebook. * Each of the games and activities is designed to make learning fun * The material is very easy to use: every activity has clear step-by-step instructions explaining what you need before class, how to set the activity up in the classroom and ideas for optional follow-up tasks. * It comes with a CD containing listen-and-do activities, creative dictations as well as a range of songs, rhymes and chants. * There are extra game templates to help you adapt the activities to your individual learners * The wide range of activities means that the material is suitable for different learning and teaching styles.

Product details


Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson


Beginner – Intermediate

English Type

British English

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