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Our aim is to deliver the materials you tell us you need. Exclusive insights from test development and candidate performance guarantee expert content. The result is a unique Exam Journey in each course, ensuring every student is ready on exam day. From skill development to exam tasks, language discovery to real world usage, we create better learning experiences, together.
Check out our bestselling exam preparation series
We have a wide range of materials for Cambridge English Qualifications and IELTS. These include courses,
practice tests, grammar and vocabulary development, and plenty of exam tips and advice. Build your own
exam package tailored to the needs of your students.
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Practice Makes Perfect
Find inspiration for using practice test material in the classroom with lesson plans, tips and tricks as well as our product specific packaged resources.
Our lesson plans include part of an official practice test, resource and complete guide to using the material. Share experiences and insights in the classroom by submitting your Teacher Tips!

Meet the Cambridge IELTS experts
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world's most popular English test for
higher education and global migration.We offer a comprehensive range of Official Cambridge IELTS print and online preparation materials, including courses, test practice material, supplementary grammar and vocabulary books, plus test tips and advice on how to avoid common mistakes.
IELTS for Teachers
Teaching IELTS can be challenging, especially if you're new to the test. Let us guide you on your journey with expert advice.
Visit our dedicated support page for IELTS teachers below.
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Insights, ideas and resources for exams
With thousands of experiences, insights, ideas and resources for language teachers, the World of Better Learning is your place to explore articles, resources and interviews with industry experts that are perfect for you.
Explore our exam preparation content on the World of Better Learning Blog
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Watch the video below to explore our Cambridge Complete series. Go to the Complete page for more information.