Student resources for Chapter 06: Syntax
Study guide for Chapter 06: Syntax
You should be able to simply define or explain the following terms and concepts.
Constituent | Phrase | Noun Phrase |
Adpositional Phrase | Verb Phrase | Clause |
Sentence | Argument | Core/oblique |
Predicate | Copula | Recursion |
Intransitive | Transitive | Ditransitive |
Subject | Object | Indirect object |
Case role | Agent | Patient |
Theme | Experiencer | Recipient |
Beneficiary | Location | Source |
Goal | Temporal | Instrument |
Active | Passive | Polar question |
Construction | Subordination | Coordination |
Matrix clause | Relative Clause | Complement Clause |
Adverbial Clause | Head noun |
On completion of this chapter, you should be able to perform the following tasks:
Identify the boundaries of syntactic constituents and state the order of elements in a template
Present evidence in support of arguments that sequences of words do (or do not) constitute phrasal constituents
Use square brackets and labeled tree diagrams to exhaustively represent the constituent structure of sentences in English
Provide evidence in support of arguments that justify the categories subject, object, and indirect object in English
Differentiate between core and oblique arguments
Identify intransitive, transitive, and ditransitive verbs
Identify grammatical relations and semantic roles of noun phrases in sentences
Describe the structures of specific constructions
Distinguish coordination from subordination
Distinguish among relative, complement, and adverbial clause types
Conduct basic syntactic analysis on a data set from another language, determining which word is which, and providing basic information about the lexical classes, constituency, grammatical relations, etc.