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- Subject
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Recycling English
- ISBN:9780521140768
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):English as a Second Language
- Author(s):Clare West
- Available from: February 2010
A series of four books that provide extensive guidance and English practice in key areas of the language.
Recycling Intermediate English for lower-intermediate to intermediate students provides extensive guidance and practice in four crucial areas: Grammar, Vocabulary, Situations and Writing. Recycling Intermediate English can be used to supplement any coursebook at this level, in class or for self-study. It provides useful extra practice for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) and the Skills for Life Entry 3 examination.
- Contents
User-friendly units with clear presentation in study boxes.
Coverage of all the major PET grammatical areas, topics and writing tasks.
Substantial Situations sections, covering a wide range of situations and functions needed at intermediate level.
Clear guidance on a range of writing tasks, with useful models.
Removable answer key.
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